online training

You’ve got a job to do, commitments to keep, and finding a little time for yourself can sometimes seem like an impossible task - even when it comes to the most important thing, YOUR HEALTH.

Luckily technology has opened the door to many fun and exciting ways to stay in shape, and keeping up with regular exercise has never been more imperative in the fight against viruses but also in maintaining your mental health.

With Online Training the gym, personal training experience and community feel comes to you.

Just because I don’t see you in the flesh, that doesn’t stop me from being my usual friendly but firm self, whilst also providing you with expert trainer knowledge and the motivation to stay on track to achieve your goals.

At the end of the day I can’t train on your behalf - the hard work is up to you.

This is more than just the first step on a fitness journey - you have joined a community of like-minded people striving to live healthier, happier lives.

We can cater for 1:1, small group training or large group training sessions.



1:1 personal training

Single Session (30mins) $60

Single Session (45mins) $80

Get in touch with Michael today.

Take the first step to achieving your health and fitness goals...he'll help you do the rest!